Caenopedina indica de Meijere
Family: Pedinidae |
Order: Pedinoida |
Locality: Philippines, Mactan, deep water, 2005 |
Dimensions: 28 mm Ø |
After lacking information for a longer time I learned now from Th. Mortensen, A Monograph of the Echinoidea, III.1, that the correct taxon is probably Caenopedina indica, which has been found by the "Albatross" and Mortensen in the Philippine Sea. The following cited sentences might be of interest: The colour of the denuded test has a more or less rosy tint. The primary spines are reddish-brown with 1-3 large, not sharply limited bands near the point. More exceptionally they are greenish at the base, in which case also the denuded test has a light greenish tint. Only in one of the specimens at hand are the bands so faint, that the spines appear uniformly reddish.
Locality: Philippines, Balicasag Island,
250-300 feet, 2006 |