Coelopleurus maculatus 8 Agassiz & Clark 1907

Family: Arbaciidae

Order: Arbacioida

Locality: Philippines, Cebu, Mactam Island, trawled in 200m

Dimensions: 37,3 x 23,3 mm


I got this specimen without taxon. Having only the test without spines, it is difficult to determine the correct taxon. Two species are common in the Philippines: C. maculatus and C. longicollis. Remarkable is, that the lavender area has two branches near the ambitus, separated by a sharp pointed red triangle. The broad red area in the ambulacrum extends from the apical side nearly down to the peristome.

I enjoy the nice colours and call it Coelopleurus maculatus until anyone else may convince me that this taxon is wrong.